The feature of each region Japanese Sake

North Part

Clear and Dry taste is the feature because they use snow melted pure water. Only Iwate Prefecture brews Rich and Sweet taste Japanese Sake. Iwate is the birth place of “Nambu-Toji”. Their Japanese Sake is usually Rich and Sweet.


We can divide Japanese Sake in Central into two types. One is Clear and Dry. The other is Rich and Sweet. The north part brews Clear and Dry taste Japanese Sake. The most famous is Niigata Prefecture. They are well-known for brewing high quality Japanese Sake. The south part brews Rich and Sweet taste Japanese Sake. There are many famous breweries in Aichi Prefecture that went out under a spot light these days.

There are not so many breweries in this area. As my impression, Clear and Sweet taste is the feature. And, the north part of this area brews Clear and Dry taste Japanese Sake because they can enjoy high quality pure water.

Fushimi (Kyoto) and Nada (Hyogo) are the two largest brewing areas. And, Hyogo Prefecture is the most famous and high ranked Yamadanishiki producing area. Fushimi brews Clear and Sweet taste Japanese Sake. In old days, Fushimi’s Japanese Sake was called “Female Style Sake”. The texture is smooth and soft. On the other hand, Nada’s Japanese Sake was called “Male Style Sake”. The feature is Rich and Sweet. However, as it was called “Male Style Sake”, the finish is sharp.

West Part

This area is divided into three. The north part brews Clear and Dry taste Japanese Sake. The central part that faces to Seto Inland Sea brews Rich and Sweet taste Japanese Sake. The south part, especially Kochi Prefecture, brews Clear and Dry taste Japanese Sake. The climate of this area is close to that of Italy, so we can find Japanese Sake whose taste is close to that of Italy white wine.

South Part

There are not so many breweries in this area because Shouchu Brewing is more popular. However, we are sometimes surprised at finding high quality bottles. The most famous may be Saga Prefecture. The feature is Rich and Sweet.

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Posted by Sake Guru