ShimehariTsuru, Yuki, Tokubetsu-Honjozou-Shu (MIYAO SAKE BREWING CO., LTD)


Yuki is the right bottle

Tasting Comment

You feel the modest flavor of banana. When you drop it in your mouth, you feel the smooth texture and find it really clear. The sharpness were as if it were the peak of snowy mountain. You can also feel complex and mixed tastes, sweetness, acidity and bitter taste. But, they are harmonized. This Japanese Sake really represents the style of Tanrei-Umakuchi (light, sharp and rich). When you make this Japanese Sake warm or hot, the richness will increase. And, it will part with most of dish.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 4/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 4/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 2/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


You can enjoy this Japanese Sake with most of Japanese dish. It will be able to part with any Japanese food.

You also enjoy it with any dish. Only exception is heavy or fatty dish.

The tips of this Ippon

This brewery was founded in Edo Era, 1819. They keep making effort to brew Japanese Sake whose taste is Tanrei-Umakuchi (light, sharp and rich). They are located in Niigata Prefecture, one of the most famous rice production areas in Japan. They used Gohyaku-Man-Goku, the rice brand born in Niigata Prefecture. Niigata Prefecture is also known as a snowy area. The snowy mountains produce good quality water. It is pure and delicate. It also includes a lot of minerals. They use the pristine underground water that flows from the Asahi mountain range via the Miomote River. This river is famous for its salmon run. So, you must enjoy this Japanese Sake with Salmon or Ikura(salmon caviar). The foods and this Japanese Sake are produced in the same area. They must part well. This is called, “Chiiki-Awase”.