
What is OTOSO

“OTOSO is a type of Japanese Sake that Japanese people drink it in New Year Day. It is a tradition that deeply takes holed in Japanese culture. Each Chinese Character has each meaning. ‘TO (屠)” means to kill. “SO (蘇)” means to revive. “O (お)” is the prefix that shows the politeness. So, Japanese people drink it with a prey that it wards off evils and revive good spirits. Ancient Japanese people thought they got sick because they were haunted by evils. And, good sprits warded off them.


It is said that “OTOSO” was introduced from China in Heian Era, more than 1,000 years ago. At first, it was only enjoyed between nobles. But, it gradually spread in ordinary people.

“OTOSO” is made from Japanese Sake and Mirin, herbal medicine. We blend Japanese Sake and Mirin. Then, we dip herbal medicine in it for 5 – 10 hours. The details of recipe differ in each local area. In west area, people blend Japanese Sake and Mirin, herbal medicine as above. In north area, people drink Japanese Sake without any blends as “OTOSO.” In south area, people use other alcohol instead of Japanese Sake.

It should be drink in the morning of 1st January before eating Japanese New Year dishes. Before drinking “OTOSO,” we have to wash our hands with fresh water. Then, we make a prey in front of home shrines. All family members gather and look at East. The drinking order is from who is younger. The youngest drinks at first. The oldest is the last. We divide “OTOSO” in three portions and drink them up three times.

Enjoy MoreOTOSO

Posted by Sake Guru