Mui, Junmai-Gnjo-Genshu (Seiun Shuzo Co., Ltd)


Tasting Comment

You can feel the flavor of melon from this Japanese Sake. Melon is the traditional flavor of Ginjo-Shu. When you drop it in your mouth, the flavor of melon and the transparent tastes, like high purity crystal, spread. This Japanese Sake contains high alcohol, 17-18%, so the taste is sharp and bold. However, you also feel the pure sweetness of rice in it. The acidity is medium.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 4/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 3/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 5/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


You can enjoy this Japanese Sake with rich tastes dish, like Sukiyaki or Tempura.

Strong tastes fish, like Tuna, will be a good partner. But the light and delicate foods, like Sashimi of White fish will not be.

You may also enjoy it with strong favored cheese, like blue cheese.

The tips of this Ippon

Mui comes from the phrase of Laozi. The meaning is to make Japanese Sake naturally as possible. To brew this Japanese Sake, they only use the low agrichemical rice and apply special brewing process. In the later process of making Japanese Sake, all breweries press “Moromi”, unrefined Japanese Sake. It is common that they use compressor to press “Moromi”. However, this Japanese Sake is not pressed. It is bagged and hung, and be waited for the drops dripping naturally. This way of pressing is called, “Shizuku-Dori". It allows breweries to make transparent tastes Japanese Sake. But it requires a lot of effort, so it is rare that they apply Shizuku-Dori to make for standard class Japanese Sake. This is the way for only high class Japanese Sake.