KUROUSHI, Junmai-Ginjo, Nakadori (Nate Shuzoten)

Tasting Comment

You slightly feel the flavor of banana. When you drop it in your mouth, you will be surprised at how complex the taste is. It is rich, clear, sweet and bitter. You can also find the minerals in it. All tastes are well balanced. This bottle represents well the charms of Junmai-Shu. You won’t be fed up with the taste. You can enjoy more second or third glass.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 3/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 4/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 4/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


Simmered fish or vegetables, Sashimi of Tuna

The tips of this Ippon

This brewery is located at Kuroe, Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama holds Kumano Kodo, a network of ancient pilgrimages trails. It is said that who walked the trails from Kyoto and Nara firstly saw Pacific Ocean at Kuroe. Because there was the rock that was looked like a lying caw, the cove was called Kuroushi (black cow) cove. This brewery was founded in 1866. They has been brewing Japanese Sake and “Kuroushi” was born in 1990. “Kuroushi” is the brand that focuses on Junmai-Shu. The brand name derives from the history of Kuroe. What they pay attention to mostly is the quality of rice. They visited farmers in many famous rice production areas, like Hyogo, Okayama, Shiga and Toyama. This bottle is brewed in a small tank. This process gives the unique tastes, rich, complex and well balanced.