Koshinokanbai, Tokusen, Ginjo (Ishimoto Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.)

Tasting Comment

You feel the flavor of yogurt and herbs. When you drop it in your mouth, it is like a melted snow water. It is pure and crisp. You also find some bitterness and sweetness. The taste is complex and you aren’t bored with it. The finish is sharp. This bottle is very elegant. The style is similar to that of traditional Bourgogne Chardonnay. It well represents what is “Tanrei Karakuchi”.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 4/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 4/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 3/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


Hassun, traditional Japanese dinner appetizer. Sashimi of white fish

The tips of this Ippon

I think this brewery is the most famous in Japan. After world war Ⅱ, Japanese Sake breweries suffered from the lack of rice. As people was short of foods, it was difficult to use rice to brew Japanese Sake. It destroyed the culture of brewing tasty Japanese Sake. Breweries had to brew low quality Japanese Sake only for drinking. However, this brewery changed the atmosphere. It produced high quality Japanese Sake in 1970s and made the movement. Koshinokanbai was the first Japanese Sake that was traded with premium. It was hard to get it at that time. It encouraged many breweries. It is not too much say that Koshinokanbai lead the rebirth of Japanese Sake. This brewery is located in Niigata Prefecture. It is very famous of good rice and water. The characteristics of Niigata Japanese Sake is “Tanrei Karakuchi”. This bottle well represents it. It is worth of trying at once.