Kokuryu, The Doors of Ginjo, Daiginjo (Kokuryu Sake Brewing Corporation)

Tasting Comment

You feel the flavor of banana, typical Ginjo flavor. When you drop it in your mouth, you find it very smooth and clear. As time goes by, the sweetness of flower honey comes. It is light, but you can feel the structure in it. I think the label represents the essence of the Japanese Sake. It is really an entry bottle for Ginjo.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 4/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 2/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 2/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


Sushi, Sashimi, Grilled fish or Shrimp, Boiled vegetables with soy source

The tips of this Ippon

This brewery was founded in 1804. They are located in Fukui Prefecture. It holds a lot of snowy mountains that pour finest water. So, the feudal lord enhanced Japanese Sake brewing in old days. They are descended from the stream. They keep passing on the tradition, but they also tried to be an innovator. They tried and succeeded in producing Daiginjo as a commercial product. This bottle is developed as an entry bottle for Ginjo. So, taste is adjusted for who is not familiar with Japanese Sake. If you are not familiar with Japanese Sake, this bottle must be good for you.