Classification of Japanese Sake


Brewing Process and Classification (Picture)


Step : Making Rice Malt

Use natural yeast. And, pasting rice by human hand. This process is called Yamaorishi.

Step : Making Rice Malt

Use natural yeast. And, pasting rice by not human hand. It leaves it to Rice Malt (Koji).

Kijo-Shu (貴醸酒)

Step : Making Yeast Starter

Use Japanese Sake instead of water.

Doburoku (どぶろく)

Step : Brewing

Released after brewing.

Nigori-Zake (にごり酒)

Step : Pressing

Filtered roughly.

Arabashiri (あらばしり), Nakadori (中取り), Seme (責め)

Step : Pressing

First drip is called Arabashiri. Middle is Nakadori. Last is Seme.

Origarami (おりがらみ)

Step : Removing Lee

Not remove lees.

Muroka (無濾過)

Step : Filtering

Not filtered.

Nama-Zake (生酒)

Step : First Pasteurization

Never pasteurized。.

Namachozo-Zake (生貯蔵酒)

Step : First Pasteurization

Not pasteurized at this stage, but pasteurized at the second stage.

Genshu (原酒)

Step : Adding Water

Not added water.

Namadume-Zake (生詰め酒)

Step : Second Pasteurization

Not pasteurized at this stage, but pasteurized at the first stage.

Brewing Process

Posted by Sake Guru