Buko Shuzou


Visiting Brewery

Buko Shuzou is located in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture. They have a brewery sightseeing tour. They also open their shop in the brewery and allow visitors to taste their Japanese Sake by the glass.

This is the first time I visit Japanese Sake brewery. I had taken a phone to make an appointment to book a sightseeing tour, but it was not allowed because of Covid 19. However, I decided to visit this brewery as an additional tour because I had a chance to made a small trip to Chichibu.

The entrance of brewery

When I arrived, I found a traditional building. We can often see this kind of things in old areas in Japan. To tell the truth, their brewery was registered as a national tangible cultural property in 2004. I stepped into the shop and found a lot of bottles were in the shelves. The owner talked to me very friendly and said “Don’t hesitated to ask me. I can recommend a bottle if you tell me what types of Japanese Sake you like.” Their attitude is filled with the friendship. I asked him if I could try tasting. He said, “Of course.”

He took me to a tasting room. What was my regret, I forgot take the pictures. I could enjoy 7 types of Japanese Sake. Daiginjo-Shu, Namazake and Nonfiltered ones, etc. Each of taste is different. Daiginjo-Shu is really elegant. But, Namazake and nonfiltered ones are fresh and charming. I could taste all, and enjoyed a consulting service to select what to buy.

Interior in the shop

This brewery is not famous. And, I know more tasty Japanese Sake breweries. However, I was really impressed their kind and friendly attitudes. If you have a chance to visit Chichibu, I recommend you should visit this brewery.

My small trip to Chichibu

I started from Ikebukuro to Chichibu.

The main purpose of this small trip is Moss phlox. It passed the peak, but it was worth of visiting to see it.

I saw it and also visited Chichibu Shrine. It was founded more than 2000 years and royal families sometimes visited it. You can also see traditional engravings. The brewery is located close to the shrine. You can visit it by walking.