Amaneko, Kimoto, Junmai-Shu, (ARAMASA Co., Ltd.)

Tasting Comment

You feel the flavor of banana and sesame. When you drop it in your mouth, you will be surprised at the balance of the acidity and the sweetness. It is really acid, but sweet. It is very rare in Japanese Sake. It is like a high quality botrytis wine. This year, the rice production in Akita was very poor, so the taste is not so rich. As it is, the pureness is emphasized more than usual bottles.

Taste Chart

Sweet-Dry: 2/5 (1 is sweet, 5 is Dry)

Fruity-Acid: 4/5 (1 is Fruity, 5 is Acid)

Light-Bold: 4/5 (1 is Light, 5 is Bold)


Salad with fresh cheese, like mozzarella cheese, cream cheese and feta cheese

The tips of this Ippon

This brewery is located in Akita Prefecture. Recently, people know there are a lot of good Japanese Sake breweries in Akita. However, in old days, Akita was thought it was not a proper area to brew good Japanese Sake because it was too cool for yeast. The birth of Yeast No.6 changed all. It could brew tasty Japanese Sake in cold areas. The 5th owner of this brewery found Yeast No.6 in 1930. 8th owner, who succeeded the brewery in 2012, decided that the brewery would brew their Japanese Sake only with No.6 yeast. After he had succeeded, he pushed up the brewery higher stage. The brewery was originally famous for brewing high quality Japanese Sake. He keeps on producing innovative products. “Private lab” is the brand that is still under development. This brand is belonged to it. And, this bottle is the most unique in “Private lab”. It is brewed with white Koji, which is usually used for Shou-Chu. As it is brewed with white Koji, the taste becomes acid. It makes this bottle very unique in Japanese Sake world. It may be hard for you to buy this bottle. It is very rare even in Japan. If you find it, it is worth of trying at once.